Blossom Athletic Center - Site License                 7/29/2023 - 3:46 PM
     2023 Futures Championships - San Antonio - 7/26/2023 to 7/29/2023     
                 2023 Futures Championships - San Antonio                  
 Event 7  Women 800 LC Meter Freestyle
    Name                  Age Team                 Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Miller, Hayden         18 Cypress Fairbank  8:50.77    8:52.71   20  
                 31.17      1:04.38 (33.21)
        1:38.04 (33.66)     2:11.26 (33.22)
        2:44.68 (33.42)     3:17.87 (33.19)
        3:51.25 (33.38)     4:24.44 (33.19)
        4:57.80 (33.36)     5:31.22 (33.42)
        6:04.90 (33.68)     6:38.26 (33.36)
        7:11.76 (33.50)     7:45.82 (34.06)
        8:19.77 (33.95)     8:52.71 (32.94)
  2 Weber, Nora            16 King Marlin Swim  9:01.94    8:59.82   17  
                 29.76      1:03.03 (33.27)
        1:36.97 (33.94)     2:10.77 (33.80)
        2:44.87 (34.10)     3:18.78 (33.91)
        3:53.10 (34.32)     4:27.37 (34.27)
        5:01.84 (34.47)     5:36.36 (34.52)
        6:10.68 (34.32)     6:45.00 (34.32)
        7:19.27 (34.27)     7:53.47 (34.20)
        8:27.21 (33.74)     8:59.82 (32.61)
  3 Pope, Abigail          18 The Woodlands Sw  9:03.65    9:05.47   16  
                 31.70      1:05.75 (34.05)
        1:39.65 (33.90)     2:13.28 (33.63)
        2:47.52 (34.24)     3:21.44 (33.92)
        3:55.45 (34.01)     4:29.46 (34.01)
        5:03.68 (34.22)     5:38.07 (34.39)
        6:12.75 (34.68)     6:47.37 (34.62)
        7:21.94 (34.57)     7:56.85 (34.91)
        8:31.49 (34.64)     9:05.47 (33.98)
  4 Guglielmello, Emma     18 Magnolia Aquatic  9:00.26    9:06.19   15  
                 31.31      1:04.96 (33.65)
        1:39.52 (34.56)     2:13.79 (34.27)
        2:48.40 (34.61)     3:22.91 (34.51)
        3:57.38 (34.47)     4:31.83 (34.45)
        5:06.41 (34.58)     5:40.71 (34.30)
        6:15.59 (34.88)     6:50.03 (34.44)
        7:24.70 (34.67)     7:59.28 (34.58)
        8:33.85 (34.57)     9:06.19 (32.34)
  5 Bergstrom, Megan       20 Utah Valley Aqua 10:16.79Y   9:08.84   14  
                 31.36      1:05.84 (34.48)
        1:40.51 (34.67)     2:15.40 (34.89)
        2:50.33 (34.93)     3:25.25 (34.92)
        3:59.83 (34.58)     4:34.54 (34.71)
        5:09.10 (34.56)     5:43.71 (34.61)
        6:18.25 (34.54)     6:53.00 (34.75)
        7:27.40 (34.40)     8:01.88 (34.48)
        8:36.07 (34.19)     9:08.84 (32.77)
  6 Frazier, Caroline      17 Magnolia Aquatic 10:17.79Y   9:10.30   13  
                 31.40      1:05.72 (34.32)
        1:40.64 (34.92)     2:15.85 (35.21)
        2:50.47 (34.62)     3:25.10 (34.63)
        3:59.65 (34.55)     4:34.64 (34.99)
        5:09.21 (34.57)     5:43.97 (34.76)
        6:18.60 (34.63)     6:53.71 (35.11)
        7:28.15 (34.44)     8:02.82 (34.67)
        8:37.14 (34.32)     9:10.30 (33.16)
  7 Reaser, Adelaide       19 Columbia Swim Cl 10:12.48Y   9:11.36   12  
                 31.54      1:05.78 (34.24)
        1:40.94 (35.16)     2:15.90 (34.96)
        2:51.07 (35.17)     3:26.08 (35.01)
        4:01.37 (35.29)     4:36.19 (34.82)
        5:11.02 (34.83)     5:45.77 (34.75)
        6:20.68 (34.91)     6:55.22 (34.54)
        7:30.04 (34.82)     8:04.45 (34.41)
        8:38.79 (34.34)     9:11.36 (32.57)
  8 Hansen, Macey          17 Columbia Swim Cl 10:01.24Y   9:11.39   11  
                 31.59      1:05.87 (34.28)
        1:40.64 (34.77)     2:15.71 (35.07)
        2:50.91 (35.20)     3:26.00 (35.09)
        4:01.00 (35.00)     4:35.86 (34.86)
        5:10.52 (34.66)     5:45.46 (34.94)
        6:20.42 (34.96)     6:55.03 (34.61)
        7:29.52 (34.49)     8:03.87 (34.35)
        8:38.10 (34.23)     9:11.39 (33.29)
  9 Cady, Morgan           17 Flatiron Athleti  9:08.59    9:12.45    9  
                 31.18      1:04.84 (33.66)
        1:39.32 (34.48)     2:13.76 (34.44)
        2:48.61 (34.85)     3:23.34 (34.73)
        3:58.39 (35.05)     4:33.58 (35.19)
        5:09.12 (35.54)     5:44.63 (35.51)
        6:20.23 (35.60)     6:55.47 (35.24)
        7:30.66 (35.19)     8:05.20 (34.54)
        8:39.57 (34.37)     9:12.45 (32.88)
 10 Howard, Melaina        18 Maverick Aquatic  9:10.80    9:12.58    7  
                 31.52      1:05.37 (33.85)
        1:40.13 (34.76)     2:15.00 (34.87)
        2:50.15 (35.15)     3:25.59 (35.44)
        4:01.09 (35.50)     4:35.98 (34.89)
        5:11.37 (35.39)     5:46.24 (34.87)
        6:21.16 (34.92)     6:55.88 (34.72)
        7:30.71 (34.83)     8:05.56 (34.85)
        8:40.18 (34.62)     9:12.58 (32.40)
 11 Mauldin, Carly         15 Alamo Area-ST     9:11.70    9:14.93    6  
                 31.32      1:05.37 (34.05)
        1:39.55 (34.18)     2:14.46 (34.91)
        2:49.28 (34.82)     3:24.48 (35.20)
        3:59.52 (35.04)     4:34.53 (35.01)
        5:09.82 (35.29)     5:45.32 (35.50)
        6:20.48 (35.16)     6:55.98 (35.50)
        7:30.94 (34.96)     8:06.07 (35.13)
        8:41.08 (35.01)     9:14.93 (33.85)
 12 Camden, Madison        16 Parkland Aquatic 10:15.38Y   9:16.19    5  
                 31.46      1:05.75 (34.29)
        1:40.77 (35.02)     2:15.70 (34.93)
        2:51.08 (35.38)     3:26.00 (34.92)
        4:01.33 (35.33)     4:36.10 (34.77)
        5:11.29 (35.19)     5:46.02 (34.73)
        6:21.33 (35.31)     6:56.59 (35.26)
        7:31.87 (35.28)     8:06.89 (35.02)
      9:16.19 (1:09.30)                    
 13 Richards, Addison      21 Utah Valley Aqua 17:39.43    9:16.69    4  
                 32.11      1:06.88 (34.77)
        1:41.99 (35.11)     2:17.67 (35.68)
        2:53.02 (35.35)     3:28.57 (35.55)
        4:03.71 (35.14)     4:38.73 (35.02)
        5:13.49 (34.76)     5:48.55 (35.06)
        6:23.54 (34.99)     6:58.89 (35.35)
        7:34.20 (35.31)     8:08.96 (34.76)
        8:43.46 (34.50)     9:16.69 (33.23)
 14 Kim, Irene             14 La Mirada Armada 17:39.39    9:17.46    3  
                 32.20      1:06.91 (34.71)
        1:42.38 (35.47)     2:17.73 (35.35)
        2:53.14 (35.41)     3:28.25 (35.11)
        4:03.24 (34.99)     4:38.23 (34.99)
        5:13.33 (35.10)     5:48.62 (35.29)
        6:23.69 (35.07)     6:58.98 (35.29)
        7:33.91 (34.93)     8:09.44 (35.53)
        8:44.68 (35.24)     9:17.46 (32.78)
 15 Geldmacher, Regan      20 Utah Valley Aqua  9:13.00    9:20.72    2  
                 32.04      1:06.43 (34.39)
        1:42.09 (35.66)     2:17.40 (35.31)
        2:53.01 (35.61)     3:28.69 (35.68)
        4:04.93 (36.24)     4:40.53 (35.60)
        5:16.06 (35.53)     5:51.81 (35.75)
        6:27.14 (35.33)     7:02.26 (35.12)
        7:37.33 (35.07)     8:11.91 (34.58)
        8:47.02 (35.11)     9:20.72 (33.70)
 16 Guenther, Katherine    14 Aquatic Team Of- 17:10.18Y   9:21.02    1  
                 32.62      1:07.71 (35.09)
        1:43.60 (35.89)     2:18.90 (35.30)
        2:55.09 (36.19)     3:30.46 (35.37)
        4:07.02 (36.56)     4:42.70 (35.68)
        5:18.49 (35.79)     5:53.20 (34.71)
        6:28.55 (35.35)     7:03.80 (35.25)
        7:39.55 (35.75)     8:14.87 (35.32)
        8:49.68 (34.81)     9:21.02 (31.34)
 17 Yager, Mayu            16 La Mirada Armada  9:19.13    9:21.69  
                 32.18      1:07.87 (35.69)
        1:43.40 (35.53)     2:18.55 (35.15)
        2:54.00 (35.45)     3:29.66 (35.66)
        4:05.19 (35.53)     4:40.94 (35.75)
        5:16.27 (35.33)     5:51.88 (35.61)
        6:27.21 (35.33)     7:02.66 (35.45)
        7:38.12 (35.46)     8:13.64 (35.52)
        8:47.57 (33.93)     9:21.69 (34.12)
 18 Culberson, Claire      18 Cypress Fairbank 10:17.27Y   9:21.80  
                 32.14      1:06.46 (34.32)
        1:41.45 (34.99)     2:16.68 (35.23)
        2:51.61 (34.93)     3:26.68 (35.07)
        4:01.67 (34.99)     4:37.05 (35.38)
        5:12.29 (35.24)     5:47.73 (35.44)
        6:23.35 (35.62)     6:58.91 (35.56)
        7:34.47 (35.56)     8:10.36 (35.89)
        8:46.08 (35.72)     9:21.80 (35.72)
 19 Reilly, Paige          16 Mission Aurora-C  9:10.18    9:22.68  
                 31.54      1:06.24 (34.70)
        1:41.44 (35.20)     2:17.49 (36.05)
        2:53.25 (35.76)     3:28.93 (35.68)
        4:04.80 (35.87)     4:40.68 (35.88)
        5:16.57 (35.89)     5:52.29 (35.72)
        6:27.95 (35.66)     7:03.68 (35.73)
        7:39.00 (35.32)     8:14.13 (35.13)
        8:49.25 (35.12)     9:22.68 (33.43)
 20 Wherry, Myra           15 North Jeffco Swi  9:25.91    9:23.40  
                 32.43      1:07.38 (34.95)
        1:43.48 (36.10)     2:19.29 (35.81)
        2:55.06 (35.77)     3:30.34 (35.28)
        4:06.13 (35.79)     4:41.10 (34.97)
        5:16.65 (35.55)     5:51.79 (35.14)
        6:27.45 (35.66)     7:02.65 (35.20)
        7:38.20 (35.55)     8:13.47 (35.27)
        8:48.86 (35.39)     9:23.40 (34.54)
 21 Jochims, Ava           14 Racer X Aquatics 17:10.20Y   9:23.68  
                 32.10      1:07.21 (35.11)
        1:42.28 (35.07)     2:17.67 (35.39)
        2:52.83 (35.16)     3:27.97 (35.14)
        4:03.12 (35.15)     4:39.09 (35.97)
        5:14.59 (35.50)     5:50.56 (35.97)
        6:26.39 (35.83)     7:02.25 (35.86)
        7:37.85 (35.60)     8:13.40 (35.55)
        8:48.86 (35.46)     9:23.68 (34.82)
 22 Dunn, Alexandra        15 Nitro Swimming-S  9:24.80    9:25.47  
                 32.99      1:08.28 (35.29)
        1:44.29 (36.01)     2:19.72 (35.43)
        2:55.84 (36.12)     3:31.29 (35.45)
        4:07.12 (35.83)     4:42.58 (35.46)
        5:17.78 (35.20)     5:53.17 (35.39)
        6:28.68 (35.51)     7:04.11 (35.43)
        7:39.65 (35.54)     8:15.12 (35.47)
        8:50.76 (35.64)     9:25.47 (34.71)
 23 Koenig, Ashley         17 Razorback Aqua-A 10:13.98Y   9:27.57  
                 32.25      1:07.46 (35.21)
        1:43.05 (35.59)     2:18.64 (35.59)
        2:54.26 (35.62)     3:29.65 (35.39)
        4:05.11 (35.46)     4:40.91 (35.80)
        5:16.59 (35.68)     5:52.56 (35.97)
        6:28.43 (35.87)     7:04.35 (35.92)
        7:40.57 (36.22)     8:16.44 (35.87)
        8:52.50 (36.06)     9:27.57 (35.07)
 24 White, Kaeli           17 Katy Aquatic Tea 10:19.54Y   9:30.66  
                 32.08      1:06.80 (34.72)
        1:41.98 (35.18)     2:17.65 (35.67)
        2:53.25 (35.60)     3:28.73 (35.48)
        4:04.71 (35.98)     4:40.94 (36.23)
        5:17.38 (36.44)     5:53.59 (36.21)
        6:29.96 (36.37)     7:06.36 (36.40)
        7:42.90 (36.54)     8:19.26 (36.36)
        8:55.78 (36.52)     9:30.66 (34.88)
 25 Lee, Ashley            16 Nitro Swimming-S 10:44.98Y   9:33.13  
                 32.86      1:08.53 (35.67)
        1:44.12 (35.59)     2:19.61 (35.49)
        2:55.13 (35.52)     3:31.16 (36.03)
        4:07.16 (36.00)     4:43.28 (36.12)
        5:19.17 (35.89)     5:55.01 (35.84)
        6:31.28 (36.27)     7:07.86 (36.58)
        7:43.96 (36.10)     8:21.06 (37.10)
        8:57.41 (36.35)     9:33.13 (35.72)
 26 Lucas, Lauren          15 Nitro Swimming-S  9:16.83    9:33.37  
                 31.67      1:06.54 (34.87)
        1:41.95 (35.41)     2:17.55 (35.60)
        2:53.38 (35.83)     3:29.52 (36.14)
        4:05.92 (36.40)     4:42.49 (36.57)
        5:18.86 (36.37)     5:55.56 (36.70)
        6:31.86 (36.30)     7:08.60 (36.74)
        7:44.79 (36.19)     8:21.88 (37.09)
        8:58.12 (36.24)     9:33.37 (35.25)
 27 Riddle, Tallaby        14 Evergreen Swim T 17:11.31Y   9:34.50  
                 33.07      1:08.40 (35.33)
        1:44.49 (36.09)     2:20.27 (35.78)
        2:56.44 (36.17)     3:32.45 (36.01)
        4:08.67 (36.22)     4:44.72 (36.05)
        5:21.01 (36.29)     5:57.13 (36.12)
        6:33.41 (36.28)     7:09.86 (36.45)
        7:46.40 (36.54)     8:22.66 (36.26)
        8:58.61 (35.95)     9:34.50 (35.89)
 28 Shepherd, Elsbeth      15 Nitro Swimming-S 10:15.38Y   9:36.00  
                 34.04      1:09.71 (35.67)
        1:45.73 (36.02)     2:21.89 (36.16)
        2:57.77 (35.88)     3:33.88 (36.11)
        4:09.86 (35.98)     4:45.82 (35.96)
        5:21.79 (35.97)     5:57.95 (36.16)
        6:34.15 (36.20)     7:10.74 (36.59)
        7:46.97 (36.23)     8:23.58 (36.61)
        8:59.74 (36.16)     9:36.00 (36.26)
 29 Fullerton, Elsa        17 Fort Collins Are 10:09.72Y   9:47.90  
                 32.27      1:07.32 (35.05)
        1:43.02 (35.70)     2:19.19 (36.17)
        2:55.33 (36.14)     3:31.87 (36.54)
        4:08.67 (36.80)     4:46.18 (37.51)
        5:23.28 (37.10)     6:01.35 (38.07)
        6:39.25 (37.90)     7:16.92 (37.67)
        7:54.52 (37.60)     8:32.55 (38.03)
        9:10.87 (38.32)     9:47.90 (37.03)
 -- Gowern, Abigail        16 Phoenix Swimming  9:18.07         NS  
                 Women - Team Rankings - Through Event 7                 
  1. The Woodlands Swim Team            58   2. Magnolia Aquatic Club              50
  3. Nitro Swimming                     33   4. La Mirada Armada                   32
  5. Utah Valley Aquatics, Inc          29   5. Elevation Athletics                29
  7. Wahoo Aquatic Club                 28   8. Cypress Fairbanks Swim Club        27
  9. First Colony Swim Team, Inc.       26   9. Dublin Community Swim Team         26
 11. Columbia Swim Club                 23  12. Alamo Area Aquatic Assoc           22
 13. Commonwealth Swimming              20  14. Southwest Stars Swim Club          18
 15. King Marlin Swim Club              17  16. Georgia Tech Swimming              16
 17. Katy Aquatic Team For Youth        15  17. Lubbock Swim Club                  15
 17. South Carolina Swim Club           15  20. Empire KC Swim Club                14
 20. Scottsdale Aquatic Club            14  22. Seahawks Swim Club                 13
 22. Flatiron Athletic Club             13  24. Springfield Aquatics               12
 25. Christus Louisiana Aquatic Clu      9  26. Streamline Aquatics                 7
 26. Maverick Aquatics                   7  28. Sea to Desert Swim Association      6
 29. Parkland Aquatic Club               5  30. Olympus Aquatics                    4
 31. Univ of Denver Hilltoppers          3  31. AquaTex                             3
 33. Kansas City Blazers                 2  34. Aquatic Team Of Mecklenburg         1
 34. Club North Swimming                 1